Police in Gilgil, Nakuru County, are on the lookout for a student from Shiners Boys High School who is believed to have fatally stabbed a classmate on Saturday night. The altercation reportedly stemmed from a disagreement among four students about personal belongings that were damaged at school, culminating in the deadly incident around 8 PM.
According to Gilgil Sub-County Police Commander Winstone Mwakio, the suspects had previously faced suspension for disciplinary issues but returned to the school to take their exams. Upon their return, they discovered that their possessions had been destroyed, leading them to suspect the victim’s involvement and ultimately resulting in the tragic confrontation.Commander Mwakio raised questions about how the knife used in the attack could have been smuggled into the school, expressing serious concerns regarding the prevailing behavior and discipline issues within the institution.
“The four students were suspended due to previous indiscipline cases,”
Mwakio confirmed that the primary suspect had fled the scene with the weapon, and authorities are actively searching for him. Meanwhile, the other three individuals involved have been identified and will remain in police custody as the investigation continues. The victim was sadly pronounced dead upon arrival at Nakuru Level 6 Hospital, where he was rushed for emergency treatment.
The body of the deceased has been transferred to Nakuru morgue, where it awaits an autopsy.This tragic incident at Gilgil serves as a stark reminder of the challenges surrounding discipline and safety in schools, raising urgent questions about preventive measures necessary to protect students from such acts of violence.